Quickerdex Released

(2008-02-20 10:15:42)
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Quickerdex launched the other day.. It's something I started working on a few years ago, then brushed it up over the last couple of weekends and rolled it into an .msi. This link takes you to the official Quickerdex web page. With basic FAQ and download link.

Quickerdex is a free-form database program created for storing and searching contact details. Quickerdex can however be used to store any sort of information which you might want to search. Quickerdex doesn't use the usual restrictive fields offered by most software of this type. Instead, you can type whatever you want into a Quickerdex record and then just search on a key phrase of your choice to pull up all entries which match your search.

Quickerdex was inspired by a program called 'quickdex', originally written for the Apple Macintosh platform. The original software was never ported for Windows users and behaved slightly differently to Quickerdex.

Quickerdex is written in C# for the .Net platform, so will run on modern windows systems. The software has not been ported to mono or other .Net runtimes.